シュメール文明とは(The Sumerian civilization)






The Sumerian civilization was an ancient civilization that existed around 4000 BC in the Mesopotamian region. The Sumerians lived in the area that is now southern Iraq.

The Sumerian civilization made significant cultural advancements, including the development of agriculture, urbanization, and the invention of writing. They cultivated crops such as rice and wheat and developed irrigation agriculture using the water from the rivers. Urbanization led to the emergence of new professions such as commerce and crafts.

The Sumerian civilization invented a form of writing called cuneiform, which used wedge-shaped characters on clay tablets to record commercial transactions, legal documents, religious texts, and other forms of writing. This was one of the first forms of writing in human history and had a significant influence on the development of subsequent civilizations.

However, the Sumerian civilization declined around 2000 BC due to various factors, including climate change, invasion, and political instability. Nonetheless, the Sumerian civilization remains one of the oldest and most culturally progressive civilizations in human history, and its achievements continue to be respected to this day.
