アトラハシス叙事詩(The Epic of Atrahasis)






The Epic of Atrahasis is an ancient Mesopotamian story that contains a flood myth, similar to the one found in the biblical story of Genesis. The narrative tells of how the gods created humanity, but were soon disappointed with the loud and unruly behavior of their human creations. As punishment, the gods decided to send a great flood to wipe out all of humanity. However, a single man named Atrahasis, who had been forewarned by the god Ea, managed to survive the flood by building a boat and saving himself and his family, as well as pairs of animals. After the flood subsided, Atrahasis offered sacrifices to the gods and was granted eternal life by them. The story concludes with the gods agreeing to reduce the human population and make them less noisy and troublesome, thus preventing another flood from occurring.

The flood myth in the Epic of Atrahasis is one of the earliest known examples of this type of story and has similarities with other flood myths from various cultures. The story also reflects the Mesopotamian worldview, where the gods controlled the forces of nature and the fate of humanity. The Epic of Atrahasis was likely passed down through oral tradition and was eventually written down on clay tablets in the Babylonian and Assyrian periods.

The narrative of the Epic of Atrahasis has had a significant influence on the development of religious and cultural traditions in the ancient Near East. It is believed to have been an inspiration for the flood myth in the biblical story of Noah’s Ark, as well as other flood myths found in cultures around the world. The story also reflects the Mesopotamian belief in the cyclical nature of history, where civilizations rise and fall, and new ones are created out of the ruins of the old. Overall, the Epic of Atrahasis is a significant cultural artifact that provides insight into the beliefs and worldview of ancient Mesopotamian civilization.
